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    Welcome to OnLeash

    Premier Pet Services
    Group & privatelearn more
    We provide individualized daily dog walking that is tailored to fit your needs.
    from $16 / walk
    Walks & feedinglearn more
    Our daily pet visits make sure your pet will get the same care as usual.
    from $23 / visit
    Overnight sittinglearn more
    No stress or worrying about your pet and home while you are traveling.
    from $16 / day

    Quality & Reliable

    Pet Care Services
    • Your Premiere Pet Services
    • 15+ Years In Business
    • 100% Private and Engaging Walks

    Professional Approach

    To Every Pet

    Daily Dog Care

    Hundreds of dog owners trust OnLeash to take care of their beloved furry family members. Give us a try, and you won’t be disappointed!

    Daily Dog Care

    Hundreds of dog owners trust OnLeash to take care of their beloved furry family members. Give us a try, and you won’t be disappointed!

    Daily Dog Care

    Hundreds of dog owners trust OnLeash to take care of their beloved furry family members. Give us a try, and you won’t be disappointed!

    Keeping Your Pets

    Happy, Healthy and Safe!

    You’ll enjoy knowing our dedicated team will do whatever is needed to keep your pets happy, healthy and safe when you’re away from home.

    Meet Our Featured

    Dog Walkers
    Dr Branislav Rangelov

    Dr Branislav Rangelov

    DVM Specijalista

    Veterinar sa izuzetnim iskustvom i stručnošću u veterinarskoj medicini. Nakon završene Srednje veterinarske škole 2002. godine, Branislav je nastavio svoje obrazovanje na Fakultetu veterinarske medicine Univerziteta u Beogradu…

    Dr Radoslava Poznanović

    Veterinarka Radoslava Poznanović ima preko 10 godina iskustva u veterinarskoj praksi, i svoj posao obavlja s velikom ljubavlju i predanošću. Spremna je za kontinuirano učenje i stručno usavršavanje kako bi ostala u koraku s najnovijim dostignućima u veterinarskoj medicini.

    OnLeash App

    Download For Free

    “ Our App is like having a dog-loving neighbor! ”

    It makes dog ownership easier by connecting dog owners with dog lovers where they can hire on-demand for dog walking, dog sitting, or dog boarding services 7-days a week.

    What Clients Say

    Customer Reviews

    Овакви професионалци, посвећени свом послу, заслужују више локација по граду. Што пре! Све препоруке. Пуно хвала “Миопет”

    Smiljana Manojlović

    Љубазност и услуга све десетке!!! А што се тиче ветеринара Банета, мало је прескромно рећи један од најбољих у Београду!

    Blagoje Stanković

    Град Београд ће постати богатији за амбуланту, а пре свега за одличног човека и искусног ветеринара др.вет.меда Банета Рангелова. По ко зна који пут осмех на лицу јер ћете својом вештином, знањем и чистоћом постати доступни свима.Љубав према псима и доброта према људима ће вам утабати пут ка задовољству.🙌🙏👏

    Radomir Pjević

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